Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mother is the bank where we deposit all our hurts and worries. ~Anon

The Boychild got hit in the chin with a stick. *grr*  

I hate when he walks in the house with blood all over his hands and blood dripping from his face... and I know that any boys reading this will probably shrug and just wave it off to 'boys being boys' ... It kills me to see my kids in pain.

Also the fact that I can't go out and kill whatever it was that hurt him, bugs the crap out of me.

I guess he and his friend were playing in the park across the street and he ended up with a pointy end of a stick in the chin. I cleaned him up and sent him off with the Man to go to the walk in clinic...thankfully it was a bit too little for a stitch... the Boychild was really scared about possibly having to get one. So they patched him up further and the two of them came home. (I had left to go to Burton's place)

One of the things that I can not stand is seeing my boys hurt... whether it's physically or their feelings...

Boychild didn't want to go to school this morning, he was afraid that the kids at school were going to make fun of him having a bandage on his chin.
I just hugged him hard, kissed his chin, told him I loved him and told him to hang tough at school. Told him if anyone asked to tell them he cut himself shaving. That made him giggle a little.

broke my heart that he has to worry about that shit... he had a good day... a couple kids asked about it but stopped asking after he said he didn't want to talk about it...

I know I'm a mama bear... I know I'm likely a little over protective of my kids... but I don't want them to have to deal with some of the shit I had to... 

we took the Manchild to his high school interview (we as in his dad - my ex - and I) and all I could think was omg... I want to keep him home and home school him... high school sucks emotionally... for boys and girls... and frankly I wish I could protect him from all that bullshit... I know I know I know... baby birds must fly and all that shit... but doesn't mean I have to like and/or be comfortable watching what's gonna happen in this next stage  of their lives...


I'm glad I dye my hair... cause if I didn't I think I would be completely gray by the time the Boychild gets 'into' high school...

who knew being a parent was going to be so rough... 

on a good  note he went to his cub scouts tonight... and was given the 'helper' badge after the leader was told about him helping the old lady around the corner from us, by shoveling her drive even though she told him she had no money... and he has two other badges he'll be getting next week... 

I Love my Boys. 

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