Every once in awhile someone comes along, however people usually come along into your life, and they become a friend of sorts... they get tucked away in a neat little box with a label that tells; where you found them, how much you like them, and what sort of relationship it is you have with them...
Sometimes the label changes for better or for worse... but generally they stay relatively the same... then sometimes the label gives the facts about them but it doesn't quite cover everything...
Others you go back to the box and find that the label has changed without you ever really noticing... lol
My poor friends in their little boxes tend to change... a lot. I feel bad for them. Some of them realize that their label has changed if we suddenly aren't speaking as frequently, or about things we used to talk about.
Or sometimes it's good changes, talking more and about all sorts of stuff...
But you know me I'm more likely to reflect on those who have changed... the ones that hurt me...
Every once in awhile someone comes along who can hurt me with the merest comment... I know they don't mean it and truly it's not their fault in the slightest...
It comes down to me putting more expectations on the relationship because of having been closer to them some time ago. So I take to my blog and I whine and I complain and I get it out of my system and they're never the wiser that they've hurt my feelings due to my thinking we were closer friends then they. I then go on my way.
Generally he does know who he is that does it... which is sort of odd...
So it's that time of the year again.. I'm off to the convention tonight...I'm not going because I'm still a Lion.. I'm not going because I miss the other Lions... I'm not even going to see who's still there... I'm going to troll hospitality rooms... that's right I'm going trolling tonight for free food and free booze...I tie one on once a year.
and so far with the way this year is going... I'm gonna need it... I'll be thinking of you four while I troll about in a hotel getting my drunk on... lmao
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