Generally people don't really want to know how you are... they usually will ask 'How are you?' out of habit not because they actually care about how you are... usually they don't really want to hear it either if you start to tell them either...
Sometimes it's just really hard to get out of your own head.
I love showers... they are one of the few times that I do what some have suggested - just be in the moment every moment - there's something about a shower and bath that just... mmm I just can't even describe it... because if I tried it would end up turning all sensual and sexual and stuffs... only because that's the closest I can get to the description of it and how good it feels...
If I was made in God's image... God is one good looking, sarcastic, smart ass, pervert... I'm just saying.
I didn't realize that to step away from social sites means to step away from friends as well.
I thought I'd have until he was 16... I guess not... it starts already... I just hope that I can hold up and not take it personally when I get texts from him, I don't want to seem like the bad guy. I don't want to seem like the guilt-ing mom. He doesn't get it and right now because of his age, he doesn't care.
I hate being so tired that I start dozing in my chair.
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