Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Is Laughter Best Medicine?

We interrupted our regularly scheduled lamenting, angsty, whining and complaining for some laughter...

At least that's what it seemed like last night while talking with the DrunkenMonkey...

Sounded like Stallone 

Beetle Juice don't even remember

Christopher Walken

Doing Shakespeare in modern language as Walken

Attempting Shatner

and us just laughing.

I was wearing my Sock Monkey Hat of Happiness (it adds +5 happy)...

Spent an hour talking/laughing with him while he was trying out impressions of celebs...

I can definitely say that since we've reconnected in the last year/year and a half he's always been able to cheer me up no matter how down I was...

He was a great friend while I was in Reno...especially one drunken Saturday night when he called out of the blue and I started bawling my eyes out to him... Thanks Monkey :)

I'm really glad that we made the transition from 'being together' to friends years later...and thanks for thinking I'm still Awesome :P

Been a good distraction from the emotional shit I'm going through...and for the evening even made me forget my worries about the shit going on with my girlie bits...

since there's a bit of a segue there to that...

I called my gyno office this morning because I was quite concerned about the fact that I am still bleeding and through the night last night and this morning it had seem to gotten worse... I originally was going to go to the ER or walk in clinic.. but as those who know me know... I dislike doctors I don't know and don't know my background trying to 'fix' me so to speak since they know nothing about anything else going on in my life...

So I got my next week appointment's now tomorrow afternoon...

Going to have to really haul ass from Welland into St Catharines tomorrow to make it... but I really need to find out why I've been bleeding for nearly 12 days now.
Then maybe I and others can stop worrying.

Updates to follow...

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