Friday, August 06, 2004

About Me...About You...

Here ya go another fill this out and send it back to me thingie...

What are you called by me:
How long have you known me:
If you're gonna lie, are you gonna to do your best to be creative:

What Would You Do If
I cried:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I moved to the UK:
I started doing drugs:
I stole something:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
I got into a fight with you:

What Do You Think About My
Choice of music:

Would You
Be my friend:
Keep it real with me, no matter what:
Lie to make me feel better:
Spread rumors about me:
Keep a secret if I told you one:
Loan me some cash:
Hold my hand:
Take a bullet for me:
Call me once in a while:
Try and solve my problems:
Worship me:
Put this in your blog and see what I say about you?:


Amanda said...

Here ya go another fill this out and send it back to me thingie...

What are you called by me: Peachy
How long have you known me: bout a year in chat
If you're gonna lie, are you gonna to do your best to be creative: But of course.

What Would You Do If
I cried: Try to comfort, feel inadequate
I said I liked you: tear up
I kissed you: think hmmmm... first girl on girl kiss
I moved to the UK: thank god for yahoo chat
I started doing drugs:WORRY WORRY WORRY
I stole something: depends on what ya stole
I was hospitalized: aggravate everyone demanding updates on you
I ran away from home: offer you a place to shack up
I got into a fight with you: Cry

What Do You Think About My
Personality: I like it
Eyes: Theyre very pretty
Thumbs: Never seen your thumbs
Hair: i envy your ability to have long hair
Wrists: Never seen your wrists
Clothes: Like them, remind me of some of mine
Voice: Nice the times ive heard it in voice
Humor: You do make me laugh
Choice of music: Very good
Mannerisms: ummm not sure.
Family: You have really cute kids

Would You
Be my friend: Yes
Keep it real with me, no matter what: Sure
Lie to make me feel better: Only if you got a really bad haircut
Spread rumors about me: Nope
Keep a secret if I told you one: Of course
Loan me some cash: Yeah
Hold my hand: Yeah
Take a bullet for me: ehhh maybe, im not good with pain
Call me once in a while: Sure if i was employed and had your number
Try and solve my problems: No, but would offer advice
Worship me: Probably not
Put this in your blog and see what I say about you?: Yeah

Anna said...

What are you called by me: Banana Anna from Tropicana
How long have you known me: About a year but I'm really just discovering the real you
If you're gonna lie, are you gonna to do your best to be creative: I don't like liars, and even if I wanted to lie to you you'd know no matter how creative I tried to get

What Would You Do If------
I cried: hug you and cry with you more than likely
I said I liked you: smile cheesily for a long time
I kissed you: blush
I moved to the UK: please take me with you
I started doing drugs: talk to you about it
I stole something: well, if it's the blue tablecloth from moonie's, I'd borrow it ;)
I was hospitalized: worry and if I can send you me
I ran away from home: Open my doors to you
I got into a fight with you: do what I needed to do to resolve the issue

What Do You Think About My------
Personality: it's the thing I like most about you
Eyes: your eyes are beautiful
Thumbs: wtf
Hair: I am so jealous that I can't have your hair
Wrists: huh?
Clothes: I prefer you nekkid :)
Voice: you've got that sexy nasily thing going on
Humor: I absolutely love the way you laugh...especially when your laughing at your own jokes, you crack me up
Choice of music: you have very good taste in music
Mannerisms: your very well mannered, you always asked before you grabbed my boobs
Family: I like your family, your mom, your sister, Ry and the kids.

Would You------
Be my friend: I already am
Keep it real with me, no matter what: expect nothing less
Lie to make me feel better: never
Spread rumors about me: always ;)
Keep a secret if I told you one: what secret, hmmm...(It's not like I have THAT many friends I could tell anyway)
Loan me some cash: yes
Hold my hand: ahuh *blushy face*
Take a bullet for me: I already have a hole in my belly Rae, but ok
Call me once in a while: yep
Try and solve my problems: nope, but I'll always be a damn good listener and I may have a few ideas to share
Worship me: Uhm...what exactly does that entail?

Anonymous said...

What are you called by me: Squirrels
How long have you known me: about a year
If you're gonna lie, are you gonna to do your best to be creative: Of Course.

What Would You Do If
I cried: Wonder what had upset you.
I said I liked you: Be Tickled.
I kissed you: Smile.
I moved to the UK: Come live with you.
I started doing drugs: Tell you not to do it.
I stole something: Tell you if you can't afford to buy it, then you don't really need it.
I was hospitalized: Send you flowers and worry
I ran away from home: Worry and wonder why?
I got into a fight with you: Be upset and try to make up.

What Do You Think About My
Personality: Moody sometimes, outgoing, friendly.
Eyes: Beautiful
Thumbs: like everyone elses
Hair: Beautiful and long, like to play with it and wish mine was long too.
Wrists: sweet to smell
Clothes: Covers to much, lol
Voice: Sexy
Humor: Great
Choice of music: up to date
Mannerisms: cute
Family: Wonderful

Would You
Be my friend: Yes of course.
Keep it real with me, no matter what: Try to.
Lie to make me feel better: Only if you wanted me to.
Spread rumors about me: Only ones you would think were funny and would get a kick out of too.
Keep a secret if I told you one: I have.
Loan me some cash: Yes, if I have it to give.
Hold my hand: Even if it got sweaty.
Take a bullet for me: Spur of the moment--yes. Think about it, probably not.
Call me once in a while: Yep but only if you wanted me to.
Try and solve my problems: Nope- cause I don't think I can solve my own, don't want to make them any bigger.
Worship me: Sometimes
Put this in your blog and see what I say about you?: I'd be scared to. LOL :)