Thursday, May 20, 2004

Being a girl has it's ups and downs...

girls tend to me more openly insecure... about absolutely everything... I dunno if you can see that in my journal or not... but yeah it's true... we're more self conscious as well... about everything... evn the most rough tough stuck up hard ass broad out there is insecure about something...

right now I can't really think of ups...gimme a few days maybe I will...

have I ever mentioned that I hate girls? yep I do... I absolutely hate them... why? you ask... well because... I am one.. no I don't hate that I am one... and no I don't hate myself... I just know how clever,cunning, conniving, plotting, planning, devious, evil evil creatures... I hate them all...

I especially hate them if they like my men... yes I pluralized it for a reason... if they like my men... if they go near my men... and the worst...if they touch them... one of the reasons I pluralized it is because I've always been this way...ALWAYS!!! so it's been that way with all the men that I have coupled with...

I contain myself of course...because men don't always like it when you pee on them to mark your territory before they go off with the boys, or off to work, or off to where ever they have to go... but sometimes... just underneath the surface I'm ready to scratch off anyones face... but I can't do that either....cause then I'm the biggest bitch that ever lived...

oh well fuck it... I'm a bitch and y'all are gonna have to deal with...

with that being said....

I'm sick and fucking tired of whiney ass people too...

and I really fucking hate it when people repeat themselves OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again...when trying to explain something...
if I don't get what you're saying the first time...repeating the exact same thing over again isn't going to make me understand it any faster...

and are you a fucking mascot or a pet...make up yer damn mind already :P LOL

and damnit get in the game and do your damn background...sheesh...

remember how I said that there are times that I hate you... well I think you should pick those times a bit let's say in the morning...if you piss me off in the morning it probably won't be as hazardous to your health then lets say if you do it right before you go to bed... fucking doorknob...gawww....

and never ever ever tell me to go fuck myself... I already do that on a regular basis... DUH!! what kind of comeback is that??? seriously...

oh my I just admitted on my journal that I masturbate :O

bah like you guys didn't know that already...LOL

you just don't know how much :P *evil grin*


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