Wednesday, May 26, 2004

I absolutely love the smell of the air right after it's such a scent of smells great... and after the last week we're all definately getting used to that scent...

Shadow didn't go to the hospital the other day for his x-rays, he said that he was afraid they wouldn't let him out again...because he has been sick... coughing a lot, stuffed up nose and what not... he said "I figure it's about time for the SARS scare to start up soon again and I didn't want them quarentining me for 10 days. We can't afford that" I just looked at him and said..."Are you kidding me? if that starts up again I'm leaving. thats right we're moving the fuck out of here...I can't go through that again."

He did comment a few days ago at my mom's house that he wouldn't mind moving to Georgia... that would be cool. Unlikely but cool. I still wouldn't mind moving to Utah :)) LOL the third party wouldn't tho ...:P

Tigger is still looking at me with that thought provoking look...the lilacs are dead but Tiggers still there.

I got a new skin for my winamp today... Shadow will probably freak out...he said he wanted the classic one cause it will eat less memory...but she's so v=cute I love's a black background with this very beautiful faerie standing there with her head facing down and to the right so you can't really see her face... and woo hoo she's blande ;)

I've been writing a story like I said in my other post, it's a story of the first day I met Night... I've been leary of letting Shadow read it... I think I'm writing our story for closure... that way I can get it out of my head and out of my way... I tried to get Night to help me out a bit to make sure of the order of things and such... he's helped a bit but I don't think he wants to LOL... It'll be a longtime coming before the entire story is complete but the first part is almost finished. I'm finding that as the story progresses it's getting harder and harder... not emotionally or physically or's getting harder to find the words to describe some of it...LOL yeah I think you know what part I'm at...LMAO When it comes right down to it... I think it's going to hurt Shadow to read it...*sigh* oh well

He apologized for being so emotional the other day...I told him he wasn't emotional...I told him he was an oversensitive cry-ass... it was mean but ya know what.... it's so true... hence the question came up again in my mind well what is it women want it a man?

We say we want them to be sensitive... we want them to be tough guys... we want them to be good looking... we want them to have a sense of humour... but we don't want them to be crude... we want them to know when we want to make love, when we want to fuck, when we want romance, when we want to be ravished from behind when cooking, but we want them to know all this without us telling them...
We definately are the more confusing of the two genders...

"Now don't just walk away pretending everything's ok and you don't care about me. I know it's just no use when all your lies become your truths and I don't care. Could you look me in the eye and tell me that you're happy now? Could you tell it to my face or have I been erased?"

I miss Aries... I want my kitty cat back.

can anyone honestly answer yes to that for me...


"Could you look me in the eyes and tell me are you happy now?"

I'm not.
Well I'm not going to lie. I'm not.

I miss my daddy...I wish I could see him.

"If you don't like the beach, then walk on by the tree"

Why wasn't it as easy as I was hoping it would be? Why couldn't I do it when thats all I ever wanted to do?

Could you tell that this one was going to be extremely fragmented? LOL I did...hahaha I didn't warn you this time...

"My beating heart wants you and my empty arms need you, don't you go, please stay and never try to send me away"

Gawd I love music... *singing* I especially love listening to music really loud so that it drowns out the rest of the world... actually I had it so loud earlier today I missed a couple phone calls... oops...wasn't important they didn't leave messages... oh well...

Enough of my babbling... namaste

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