Saturday, May 22, 2004

WOW... where the fuck do I start? hmmm...

I woke up today (Friday) and wasn't feeling all that well... So I did a little bit of arranging not too much cause everytime I bent over to pick something up I would feel dizzy and ready to vomit (mmm lovely piture eh?)

It was a nice quiet day which I was really enjoying... that is until I realized why it was so quiet...

about 5 pm I was thinking...damn I really should call my mother to make sure that she is bringing Gambit tonight and figure out this weekend... I picked up the telephone...started dialing the number... halfway thru dialing it I get this strange busy signal...hmm... hung it up picked it back dial tone... Hello? Hello? hmmm... hung it back up picked it up... dial tone this time... very carefully punched in the number... again with the busy signal... tried three other phone numbers all the same thing.... FAAAWWWKKK.... the phone had been disconnected.... cock smoking mother fucking monkey fucking crack whore... Grrrr ok so pissed could chew glass spit it out and shoot someone in the head...

Finally calm down a bit Shadow comes home... forgot that he was going to the clinic after was pissed he was late was pissed about the phone... because of course in my mind it's his fault...he has the money he pays the bills his fault it gets turned off...

cooled down finally by the time he walked up the stairs...

my mother shows up a little while later with gambit in tow... YAY the doorbell finally decided to work so she wasn't in the street screaming my name like last time... oh yeah...neighbours love us already...*shaking head*

for the last week I've been bitching about not having nails so I couldn't hang stuff on the walls... (btw been bitchy all week to anyone and everyone) so mom stayed and chatted for a bit...
that was nice...she's so blunt sometimes.. I love my mom.. I'm just like her for the most part...shhh don't ever tell Shadow I said that... LOL
So I told her to bring me some nails when she comes back at the end of the weekend...she said theres a hardware store right there go get a box of them for 80 cents... I just said yeah thanks I hadn't thought of that in my poor state of exsistence :P said bye to mom...came back in the apartment to the front room... we were talking all of a sudden Shadow looks out the window and says.. your mothers back... goes walking back out and down the stairs...comes walking back in with a small box of nails...woo hoo yay mom...

(on a side note while mom was here she filled my brita...saying something about its more useful actually full of water rather than sitting in the fridge empty)

So anyway finally ok mom's gone Gambit has had his bath...time for me to make dinner... of course had to spend 20 minutes deciding on what to make for dinner... so made pasta and chicken cutlets...filled the pot full of water put it on the stove to boil...chicken cutlets in the oven..pop a movie in... go to the bathroom... put pasta in the water...blah blah blah... call Shadow out to strain the pasta... he puts it in the strainer...goes to rinse it off... turns and looks at me and did you fill this pot... I said by turning on the tap... he says which one... I said I dunno probably the cold water tap... he says this one as he turns and turns and turns the tap... nothing comes out... I said what the fuck? ... walked over tried the hot... nope nothing there either... I said what the fuck???...walked into the bathroom... tried both sink faucets...nothing...tub faucet nothing... FAAAAWWWKKKK no water anywhere in the apartment....
then it dawns on me... FAWWWWKKKK that means the toilets not going to work properly... ok back to being extremely pissed again... so we decide to wait a bit maybe its just a watermain and they usually fix those pretty quick...

ok so at one o'clock in the morning I notice that the dude that lives downstairs in the basement...his lights are on... so I put a shirt on..going trekking downstairs... I can hear music.. so I knock on his window...three times... oy... so I walk around to the back of the house... which is dark... go in and knock on his door... can hear the music even more now... still nothing...grrr I just want to know if he has any water in his place...
here it is three o'clock in the morning... I hear banging... not loud kinda of dull... I go check on Gambit... nope he's sleeping... oh yeah shit while I was there realized I hadn't done the toothfaerie thing yet... go grab a couple tooth for money... hear dull banging again...check on Shadow nope he's passed out (he's also sick) hmm what the fuck is doing the banging... I go lean out the bathroom window look down the stairs...sure as shit I see buddy downstairs lights are still on but now...oo ho ho... I hear talking and laughing... I come racing thru the kitchen... HEY Shadow YOU AWAKE??? (which he wasn't but he was now) so I explain that I can hear the guy downstairs and he has friends there... I'd go down and ask him myself but... 1. I don't know the guy 2. it's 3 am and finally 3. there's more than one guy in the apartment... "pwetty pwease will you get up get dwessed and go downstairs..." so he drags his sorry lookin butt out of bed got dressed and still to the moment of me typing this he's still gone...hmm should I check on him has been 10 minutes... hmm maybe in a few more minutes...
I'll have a smoke first...

hmm ok done smoke now... and I can't even go check to see whats going on... because if Gambit wakes up.. he'll wonder where everyone is...

oh well... I'll fill ya in later on the water saga... or I should say lack thereof...

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