Tuesday, May 18, 2004

ok I tried adding a picture to my profile in here... yeah apparently you can't exceed 68 characters dumbass thing...


unfortunately thats how long the link was to go see my pic...LOL

and I really liked that pic too...

I was doing that to pass the time...because I had a strange phone call today...
I was sitting here talking to Night before he went to work on yahoo and we were talking about his latest art picture...phone rings...I tell Night I'll brb... I decide to actually answer the phone even tho I don't recognize the phone number...and the same numbr has called numerous times and hasn't left any messages...
so I wanted to see who the hell it was...

it was a guy from a clinic in Toronto... last time Shadow was at the doctors office we filled out these forms for this guy... seemed like a good way to pass the time while we waited... a couple weeks later we got these more indepth =questionnaires in the mail... the questionnaire/tests that we filled out were for whether or not you have symptoms of Chronic fatigue or Fibromyalgia or Migraines I didn't think anything more about it...well that is until this guy called... and told me that I have a lot... A LOT...of the symptoms for Fibromyalgia... I was stunned to say the least... so he explained what that was since I don't/didn't know what it was... he asked if I had any rheumatiod problems in the past... I explained how the doctor tested me for it before and said that it came back inconclusive but there was a chance that I had rheumatic fever (spent over a week just laying on my mothers couch because of it)... anyway... so he said that it is most likely that I have fibromyalgia... so of course I'm thinking great...what the fuck is next... anyway...so I have to go for a physical soon to my doctor so I'm going to ask him about it... in the meantime I looked up fibromyalgia http://www.arthritis.ca/types%20of%20arthritis/fibromyalgia/default.asp?s=1 there ya go... if you don't know about it...go ahead and educate yourselves...

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