Monday, May 24, 2004

Not too much to complain about eh? LOL thats a first...

Today Gambit and I went out to the park thats down the street and played some soccer...kicked the ball back and forth... I gave him some tips for when he starts his outdoor soccer league which by the by is tomorrow... Dumb coach scheduling a practice on a holiday Monday...Anyway.. we were at a park that is a war memorial... so theres a big statue there of a soldier... he asked me about it (it was dedicated to the soldiers who died in the first world war) so I tried to explain to him the best I could about war... and I told him about all the people that went a fought and how lots of them died... he asked about why there isn't a war right now... and I explained that technically there is one going on, it's just that it's far away from us... so he went on to ask me if there is anyone still alive that has fought in any of the wars... so I told him that there were lots that were still alive and back home in Canada and in the United States... but reminded him that there were a lot that weren't either... he asked me if I knew of anyone that has fought in a war... so I explained to him that Shadow's grandpa (who is deceased...not because of the war) was in WW2...and then I told him how Night was in the United States military and he has been over seas a couple of times... and how he is at home now... (just so he didn't think that everyone I knew who had been in a war of some sort were dead) ...then of course came the big question... Well if the war isn't here then why do Americans and Canadians go over there and fight those people? followed by Why is there war? just have to love the innocence of a 7 year old... some how after that conversation we got talking about adoption... he asked me what it was...I tried to explain that as best I could without making it seem like people who give their kids up for adoption are bad or wrong... because I don't believe they are... after all that deep intellectual conversation he just said Oh...can we go back to playing soccer now... LOL ya gotta love kids...

On the way to 7-11 to call my mom...we came to a busy intersection... Gambit pressed the cross walk button and looked over to the right... he said "Look Mom thees a baby bird in the middle of the road" I looked over and sure enough there was a little baby sparrow who couldn't fly trying to use it's wings to hop across the road...and beside it was a mommy sparrow hopping beside it chirping at it...every time a car went by the mother sparrow would fly up to the wire over head...and when the car was gone she flew back down to continue urging the baby across the road... I got a sick feeling in my stomach and took Gambits hand and said "C'mon hunny I don't think you're going to want to see what happens to that baby bird" and we walked across the street... we got to the pay phones...He asked if he could call I dialed and gave him the phone...while he was talking to her I kept my eye on that baby bird and it's mother... somehow some way it made it to the corner of the sidewalk across the road...where the mother bird and baby bird were joined by another adult bird..I'm assuming the male bird... so I let Gambit know that the bird made it across the road and was ok...he seemed relieved...then gave the phone to me...which I then had to explain to my mom what I was talking to him about while she was trying to talk to him LOL

As a surprise for Gambit tomorrow we're all (Shadow, Mom, Myself and Gambit of course) going to see a matinee for Shrek2... Gambit let me know last weekend very nicely that he really wanted to see it in a theatre... because he was a big enough boy now that he will sit thru the entire movie...LOL again ya gotta love kids...

After we were done in the park and we were on our way back to the apartment... we heard that a boat was in the lock... so we went to the lock exit and sat on the bench there and watched it rise up to the canal level...(if you have no clue what I'm talking about look up Thorold at :P ) and when it was ready to pull out of the lock I took him over to the trail/parking area right beside the canal...(pretty much if you were stupid enough you can get right up to the edge and touch the boat as it goes by...) So of course (since he's 7) he started asking how the lock works...where the boats come from...where do they go...where do they come from... he was amazed at how big the boat really was...of course since he was standing right nect to it...LOL we waved at some guy that was on deck...he was nice enough to wave back...

So on the walk back to the apartment after the boat was gone... Gambit said "it's too bad Shadow didn't come with us I had fun today" I was so glad...

It was nice to know that he had fun and learned a few things from his mom today...

so all in all it was a good day out...

the moral of todays post is...if you have kids go spend some time just walking around with them... if you don't have kids...go borrow someones and take them out for an afternoon (the parents and the kids will most likely thank you for it)

It's good feeling you get when you know that someone has learnt something from you...

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