Rae: Time is a really funny thing...have you ever noticed that...it can crawl by so slowly...yet ya look by and go wow that was fast...so much could happen in such a little time...yet it'll feel like a lifetime...time is the enemy...
Friend : riiiight...and you've been smoking crack...right?
Rae: no seriously think about it....is three months to you a long time or is it kinda short?
Friend : short
Rae: yet so much can happen in three months right?
Friend : yeah
Friend : i understand...but that's just a weird thing to think about
Rae: I'm just saying time is fucked up in that way... and yeah it is a strange thing to think about but it just dawned on me...
Friend : hmmmm
Rae: you never think about shit like that?
Friend : not very often
Rae: hurt your brain too much :P ?
Rae: lol
Friend : sometimes :P
Rae: lol
Time is a very strange thing....
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