Monday, July 19, 2004

went shopping today...

no big news about shhopping except that I have been able to read a lot of the signs... YAY me!! (seems my highschool french has been creeping back...just enough for me to read it...definately not speak it or understand it when people are talking)

It's cool we met up with Gar at the mall... Gar is cool... he came back to Moon and Chris's house for dinner...

Anna is making dinner tonight, I think she is going to attempt a spanish dish...
not sure...

I'm not sure if I am doing dinner tomorrow or the next day...

when we were plpanning we said that each one of us would make dinner at least one night...

I have Shana's camera with us (thank you again Shana) however we have no drivers so that I can take the pictures off the cam... I tried to down load them from kodak... not enough disk space on the laptop for the drivers... *sigh*

so either I shall have to try again later downstairs on Moon's computer which is in french or I'll have to just limit my picture taking and wait til I get home to take them off the camera.

Anyway... off I go again...


Anonymous said...

have you been able to find any back of the truck deals yet?

The Witch Doctor said...

